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Sol y Soul

Zara loose pants | Beacon's Closet 90's shoes | American Apparel top | Levi's Denim Jacket | Forever 21 Black stone chain necklace

This past weekend I went on a road trip up to San Fran with some buds. We haven’t all hung out in a while so being together all weekend really felt like nostalgic. The four of us basically moved to LA together and have been finding our own niches’ throughout the year. This weekend made me reflect on the past and look forward to the future with all the new adventures waiting to begin, friends waiting to meet, and destinations waiting to be explored. Showcase auditions, backpacking through South America... adventures are every where. We just have to make them happen!

As I sit at Porto’s, eating the best Cuban pastries I’ve ever had, I think about the great moments i've had this year. I’m currently making a photo collage of just that. Moments of the year, of adventures, of mishaps. Which brings me back to yesterday. An amazing moment when my best friend, boyfriend, and I decided, on a whim, to go to the movies mid day before acting class. Ya we had shit to do but what are your twenties for if you can’t drop what your doing for a random burst of fun?!

Above^ random burst of fun outfit ..... WHO KNOWS what that'll be!!! Its what ever you want it to look like. What we feel comfortable, sexy, goofy, adventurous, in! Its Sol style every one!

Style of your soul and style of el sol. (the sun for you non spanish speakers.)

Lets live through Sol Style...

Note: DO NOT see Chef on an empty stomach. I’m warning you…

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